Wednesday 26 October 2016

Ladies and gentlemen your best news reader

Still looking at the winners of the Mpumalanga Sunshine Media Awards that took place of Saturday at the Middelburg Banquet hall. I bring to you Beauty Selala, your best news reader. Trust me I know she is

1. Did you expect to be awarded the best news reader? has it sunk in yet?

Honestly speaking I was expecting it because I prayed about it a lot and people who are close to me have been telling me how good I am in what I do and you know what they say, surrounding yourself with positive people helps one to be focused and positive about life as well....I actually started preparing my thank you speech a day after I emailed my entry form to take part in these wards and that was in July if I'm not mistaken..Has it sunk in yet? I don't think so because I still keep on checking out my pics on facebook so I will probably get over the excitement at the end of the week.

2. What does winning this award mean to you?

It means I have the potential to achieve my ultimate goal which is working for a national radio station and this award will help open doors for me and it has definitely boosted my self confidence.

3. When looking at your award, which song comes into your mind?

I was here by Beyonce....because  I would like to believe that I have made a difference and this world will one day see that I was here.

4. Campaigning is not fun at all, how did you do it?

Hahaha I was forced to campaign by my friends and family and honestly speaking I really did not enjoy doing it because I'm not an outspoken individual, well that is what I would like to believe.

5. What is your biggest dream as a newsreader?

I would like to see myself working as a news anchor for Jacaranda FM and also get to groom other people who are interested in joining this industry because sometimes it becomes a challenge to make it in this competitive industry if you don't have a mentor.

6.  Have we started celebrating yet?

I have not had the time to celebrate hey, my work has been keeping me busy but if there's anyone out there who wants to spoil me rotten I'm game.

7. Where to from now for Beauty Selala?

The hustle continues...I'm gonna continue working hard to a point where I will not have to introduce myself when I walk into any building in the country.

Congratulations girl, keep on slaying and working hard...

There you have it bo babes abathanda u Beauty Selala, till the next blog take care. Vuka ubangene!

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