Friday 12 May 2017

Men continue to be our worst threat

If you are on social media then you know about the trend #MenAreTrash which got many men worked up for some reason.

It all started after we heard the sad news that 22 year old Karabo Mokoena was allegedly murdered by her boyfriend. People took to social median to express their anger and highlight the dangers women are faced with.

Yes, not every man is a monster or an abuser but let me just say that the #MenAreTrash trend is not a generalized insult to men. It is simply an invitation to men to join the struggle we face as women. It does not matter if she sleeps naked next to you, nothing gives you the permission to touch her, if she said "NO' just respect that. People should just stop statements like, "What did she do?", "What was she wearing?"...there is no reason for you to raise your hand against her or force yourself onto her.

Just recently a girl was beaten up by her boyfriend in our female residences, the officers did not even bother to come and check up on her, even the floor rep just stayed in her room. This happens everyday, women get abused and people just turn a blind eye or say: "Zabantu abathandanako azingenwa." Really? And we have those foolish girls who believe that if he beats you up it simply meas that he loves you, come on guys! Women just learn to leave within the first sign of abuse, do not say it was a mistake, he is sorry or he is gonna change.

 I know Hlomu the wife is a fictional book, but the way I got so mad when she stayed in an abusive marriage because of love and money, God! Remember the recent taxi rape? Nude photos of Rwanda's female presidential candidate being leaked? Where is Reeva Steenkamp? Bonang Matheba was beaten up by her ex boyfriend, DJ Euphonik and it all just turned into a joke, with others calling her the B word. Skeem Saam's Shoki Sebotsane opened up to drum about her abusive marriage, how she would be beaten up to a pulp, and she at some point had to sleep with a knife under a pillow just in case she gets attacked in the middle of the night.

Women, stop doing it for the kids, the family and the society...get out while you can. The very same men who are supposed to protect us are the ones who are actually destroying us. Some of the men are here offended by a simple hash tag. One may argue that Flabba was killed by his girlfriend, but how often does it happen? How many incidents are reported on a daily basis? We often hear reports like: "A man shoots wife and kills himself"?

There is nothing a woman can do that can justify a man to abuse or kill her! We need a world where we can go to a place of entertainment and not have to worry that our drinks will be spiked. We need to walk freely at night and not be afraid, we want to wear our skimpy clothes and have no one to rape us, we want to pass a group of guys at a corner or taxi rank and not feel afraid A husband dies, the wife is blamed! Really?

Yes, some men are being defensive and say :" Not all of us are trash" but are not doing a damn thing to stop those who are. If you abuse women, just know that you are a disgrace to all men at large

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