Sunday 27 August 2017

Hope for life encourages feminism

Feminism from google: The advocacy of the women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Women  believe that there is nothing a man can do and they cannot do, and they are advocating, preaching and campaigning for their voices to be heard. Among other things that the women want, is fair treatment, their voices to be heard, equal representation in public and higher positions in this developing world.

The young women of  Hope for life hosted an event with the theme "I am a feminist". The organizers of the event said that some women still depend on men, especially when it comes to finances and they saw that there is no equality between these two sexes. One of the organizers, Gracious Mamashele said: "We saw that that many women are being oppressed by men."
"We want women to stand up for themselves, and they should know that they can do things for themselves." Mamashele said that their main aim is for women's voices to be heard in the society.

The event was graced by the presence of an award winning presenter, Tebogo Maunatlala who shared her heartbreaking story. Maunatlala said her journey was not an easy one because she learnt to become an adult at the age of seven when her mom was hospitalized for a very long time, she said her dad just vanished and was nowhere to be found. "I found myself a boyfriend who was from a rich family, I believed that he loved me but all he did was to abuse and control me." she said. Talking about feminism, Maunatlala said: "I believe that women deserve equal right to men, there is nothing that a man can do that I cannot do as a woman."
"As women we need to stand firm in our ground, we need to stop undermining each other."

Tebogo Maunatla giving motiavtion at the I am a feminist event

Adeline Moagi from People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) encouraged the women who were at the event to never be intimidated by men and that they should speak out when they are being abused. She said that a woman has a right to negotiate for a condom with her partner. "You may be married but it does not mean that you are obliged to have sex whenever your partner wants to," she said.
She emphasized the fact it is not a woman's job to stay in the kitchen and make sure that everyone has eaten and that the house is clean.
"We are both from work, which means we are both tired so why should I stay and prepare supper and wash the dishes while you read a newspaper?" asked Moagi.
The young women who attended this event got to hear wise words of encouragement from various speakers who shared their life experiences. The guest speakers mentioned that a woman can make it in the man's territory. Among other speakers was 24-year-old Melani Madigaga, Busisiwe Lukhele and Lindelani Mbambale-Mathobo who also shared their struggles and how they are now climbing the success ladder. They also gave tips on how the women can stay strong and keep on winning.
Owner of an audit firm, Lindelani Mbambale-Mathobo
Kahile Moremi, who attended the event said that she learnt a lot from all the speakers, "I have learnt more about saying no to doing what I do not want to do," said Moremi
"I've heard people talking about their backgrounds and their experiences, our lives are not determined by our past, this event has changed me."
Gracious and Gabisile of Hope for life

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