Monday 29 August 2016


I should say that i am actually proud of the young brave girls of Pretoria High School who are demanding that racist practices at the school should end. It is so sad that these girls are being forced to straighten their hair, and they are accussed of conspiring when standing in groups.

Some of the black girls cried when they explained the alleged racism they receive from their white teachers. In the morning, Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi visited the school, and this is what he was told by one of the girls: " I have a natural afro, but a teacher told me I need to comb my hair because it looks like a birds nest," the girls are told to stop making funny noises when they speak in vernacular, like this is so so sad people of God.
" I am truly sorry and I can assure you that it end here. You have my support and I will protect you. Your pain will never again continue for as long as I'm still the MEC in this province" said Lesufi

These pupils should just be left alone,let them rock their afros, like why should they straighten their hair?...maybe they should try telling the white pupils to just have them afros.

Black child continue to rock that afro.

Why are they saying their afro makes the school uniform look 'untidy'? what is actually wrong with braids, dreadlocks and bantu knots?
We salute you black child, young and brave woman.Continue to plant those weaves, do those braids and dreadlocks and only relax your hair when it suits you, not because a white person told you to. I know that these young girls have spoken on behalf of many young girls who face such ' racism' in their schools.

Wednesday 24 August 2016


Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room- Chistine Todd Whitman

 Other young people only think about booze, what is trending and yes they do good only when it benefits them, but thank God we still have the good people who know that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
senzu'mehluko making donatios. Photo supplied.

In May 2014, Jacob Tebogo Aphane decided to establish an organisation that will take care of the Children living everyday of their lives without proper clothes to wear. He named the organisation 'Senzu'mehluko-A helping hand'.

He works with other four young people who have the same vision as his,Sphiwe Tshehla, Angel Mbatha, Angel Nkambule and Veronica Lekgwathi. Aphane said he established the organisation because he saw that other young people do not have clothes to wear, that causes them to wear the same clothes the whole week. " The organisation was also established to discourage the burning of unused clothes and to let people know that the clothes they no longer use can help someone out there" he said.

With the help of the community, this team has managed to help families in need and they have also donated clothes to S.T Joseph's in Ekangala section F and D. Senzu'mehluko is only donating with clothes for now, but they are busy planning on giving books that children can read and they clean gardens around Ekangala. 

Now we know that in everything we do, there are challenges. Senzu'mehluko faces finance and transport problems, hence they also want to donate to other places outside Ekangala. Their plan is to be able to spread outside the Country, and have their own library in 2026.

 "Anyone who wants to help the organisation can freely volunteer and for those who want to donate with clothes can contact us, we will take it from there.People outside Ekangala do wanna help but transportation is our problem" said Aphane.

Visit their facebook page ''Senzu'mehluko' if you wish to donate clothes, books or money.
The email address

Monday 15 August 2016


Karabo Maseko, Shizlive and Crazy World Live presenter.

*Clears throat*...yazi there might be a thousand reasons to why i love this guy, but now lemme just say he is so cute! most ladies would agree with me on that one.
Yes i know looks are not everything mara ke if he did not look so fine, he wouldn't be my MCM.

What is there not to love about this guy ye?

cava the eyes and the smile!

Ok enough about dreaming. By the way i know he might be taken and i am taken. Sometimes it is just good to look and appreciate izinto zabantu.

Let us take a look at some things YOU did not know about mu MCM. 

1. This ambitious 23 year old is a younger brother of actress and TV presenter Tsholofelo Maseko, yes you did not know that. 
2.He is from Middelburg, Mpumalanga. 
3. Was crowned the 2014 bunting res at UJ.
4. Was part of acapella group called 'This is it'.

Manimbona mimtjele ukuthi ngithi "Hi".......


Now since we are still celebrating women.....let us take a look at South African Female Celebs that i adore.

1. Ntando Duma, 19 years old.

2. Bonang Matheba, 29 years old.

3. Natasha Thahane, 19 years old.

4. Boitumelo "Boity" Thulo, 26 years old.

5. Thulisile Phongolo, 22 years old.

6. Mapaseka "Pasi" Koetle, 24 years old.

7. Amo Chidi, 24 years old.

8. Pearl Thusi, 28 years old.

9. Pearl Modiadie, 28 years old.

10. Thando Thabethe, 26 years old.

There you have it......


                                                    Thembisile Mkhatshwa( poetess) 

The Mpumalanga Sunshine Media Awards are just around the corner ladies and gents. Let us just help this young woman, Thembisile Mkhatshwa bring an award home. She is nimonated under the category 'Best Poet'. [Thembisile's vid on Facebook]

She is only 23 years of age and yet she has managed to do just great for herself. This is women's month and she is just one of the women who deserve to be celebrated for the hard they do. Mkhatshwa doesn't believe that the sky is the limit, and she works too hard to make sure that she reaches the sky and even beyond that.
[Thembisile and the team behind the book 'Know Your Story']

I really love girls who do not sleep their way to the top, ladies who do not need a man to succeed in life. If you want a man in your life, let it be for love only OK LADIES!

Wednesday 10 August 2016



Since we are still in August which is women's month, it would really be wrong of me not to celebrate this amazing woman. Ladies and gents check out my interview with the ever beautiful producer, voice over artist and news reader just to name a few.......

1. Would you say media is your calling, and if so, when did you realize that?
I wouldn't say it was a calling but I have always been passionate about broadcasting. I have always loved to be ask questions and be informed about my surroundings.

2. Tell me about the day you got a job at the SABC, how did it feel like?
Wow, I can remember that day like it was yesterday. It was 10 years ago, 2 days before my birthday, I was about to do the afternoon drive at KCRS Fm. I was so excited and emotional at the same time. It's actually the day I realized that God answers when you least expect but His timing is always perfect
3. You are a community coordinator at Save the Children S.A, tell me about that.
Save the Children SA is an NGO that fights for children's rights and helps them fulfill their potential. My role in the organisation is to manage the volunteer programme and also assist the marketing and communications department.

4. What does women's month mean to you?
Celebrating women who were courageous enough to stand up for what they believed in.  Our generation can let a lot from the likes of Lillian Ngoyi, Sophie De Bruyn and Albertina Sisulu. They decided that 'enough is enough' and took action. As women we face different challenges. We can over come some by being united and building each other instead of seeing each other as competition #PullHerDownSydromeMustFall.  

5. What do you love about being a woman?
 We run the world. We are strong enough to bear children and still be  energetic enough to provide for them. 

6. The past year you presented two awards at the MPSMA and this year you are a nominee, what does that mean to you?
“I’m truly humbled and honoured to be nominated especially being recognized alongside the person who showed me the ropes the great Vusi Ndlovu. To vote for me please sms "Tvpersonality Nokuthula" to 44936. Thank you in advance for your vote.   

7. What would winning this award mean to you?
I've been on TV for a year so to me winning would actually mean that I am on the right path. I would like to thank those who nominated me. I'm thrilled and surprised and already feel like a winner just for being included.   

8. What role has professional learning played in your life?
It has taught me patience, discipline, the power of the internet and that hard work pays off in the end.

9. What can you say to a young woman who looks up to you and would like to be where you are today?

Respect your parents, those around you and most importantly respect yourself. Never let your upbringing, past or circumstances determine your future and don't let anyone hold you back. Your dreams are valid, don't ever give up on them. Most importantly. don't allow anyone to cast a shadow over your light.



Ladies what are you doing on the 20th of August? make sure you get yourself a ticket to this women's celebration.

1. What is the inspiration behind the Vukani Bafazi Women Celebration?

The Women of Influence Network (Woinet) saw a gap where women don't celebrate women`s day and it becomes another public holiday. we saw a dying need to address this Gap so that we can be celebrate woman`s day and be empowered to understand why the day exist and what they need to do to empower themselves hence the "Vukani Bafazi" Slogan

2. What is your initial goal for the celebration hence it happens annually?

To ensure that the women of Nkangala Region celebrate Femininity. its also to drive a lifestyle change in women by transforming the mind of a woman.

3. Which topics do you tackle when you are gathered in the celebration?

we talk about, Business, Beauty, Marriage, Personal Finance, Kids, Spirituality, Sex etc.

4. What is your definition of a strong woman?

A Strong Woman is a woman who :
  1. Fears the Lord
  2. is Self- Conscious
  3. is Self-Sufficient 
  4. is Ambitious and go getter
  5. has a backbone
  6. takes calculated risks
  7. Has lots of love to share
  8. Understands herself from all angels of life (Family, Society and Culture). 

5. Do you think culture has spoiled men too much to the point where they think women are not capable of anything?

I think men think that women are very unstable, undecisive and wobbly beings simply because many women can be controlled through material things.

6. We cannot ignore the fact that some women sleep their way to the top, your take on that?

So I think that's a very complicated issue and I think its a societal problem at large, Its not even a woman issue its a societal issue because these are the questions we need:
  • Why do men do that?
  • Why do women agree to that as well
  • Why are men and women able to do in their own companies and succeed.

it a very deep cultural issue.

7. Where can people get the tickets to the event?

R500 VIP

8. Where can people keep up with the event on social media? 

Facebook page: Woinet
Twitter : @woinet

Feel free to add more information.

We are very fortunate that this year, True Love will be covering our event.
Our Guest Speaker is Celeste Ntuli
we also have Sfiso Ncwane perming for us
Bussai from Ikwekwezi FM will be hosting the event

We will be serving a 3 course meal and we are going to have lots of fun.

Thursday 4 August 2016


The mother of all events is happening again this year...... Zithobeni, Bronkhortspruit.

Big 5 is hosting the I Wear My Shades at Night 3rd annual event again this year. The organizers of the event, Mlungisi Ngwenya, Irvin Mnisi and DJ Firo are inviting you once again to grace the event with your presence.

The primary purpose of this event is to empower and uplift the entertainment yaze Kasi, but this year they are planning on giving a special percentage of the money they are going to make to a charity of their choice. I like the fact that they do not just wanna turn up, they also wanna help their community, BIG UP TO THEM!

meet your organizers

Read more details on the poster. Bare in mind that when you attend the event you are also helping the guys help a certain charity......
Abasancamanga ngama shades ebusuku!

Tuesday 2 August 2016


So tomorrow is the day where we all gonna make our voices heard.

We have of course watched the manifestos, we heard the leaders pointing fingers at each other and making all sorts of promises. People seek change, well that is what they say. Just go and put an X next to the party that you believe will bring about the change you want.

I am so concerned about the youth's participation in the elections though. Most of the young people are abstaining from voting, some say voting is just a waste of time because they vote but they still do not see any developments. A majority of the youth says  this political parties just want to enrich themselves nje they will never get any service delivery from any political party.

Look at it this way: how about you give other political parties a chance if the one you trusted with your vote is not delivering?
How about you vote until you get satisfied by the type of government you want? but hey i am not trying to convince anyone, if you wanna abstain, do just that.
We are expecting to see very tight security in places like Vuwani, Umlazi, Mamelodi and Kwamashu, this is to make sure that everyone gets to exercise their right to vote. 26 million people are expected to vote tomorrow. President Jacob Zuma has deployed more than 2000 SANDF members to join the police in making sure that we vote in peace.

Make sure that you have a voice in choosing the people that will govern you. Remember your vote is your voice.

Monday 1 August 2016


So i know that most us suffer a lot when it comes to eyebrows, we always get it wrong hey. Since it is our month i thought i shout just help a sister out.

like hellow..what is this ye? Stop it.

This is how we do eyebrows

Now let us take a look at this vid by Vungai. Check her out on youtube: 


It has been an interesting 8 months, watching the political parties campaign and making all sorts of promises across South Africa. Now we wait and see the voters do the talking.

Many people felt as though all the parties had the same message and they make the same promises they failed to keep.

Now we know that almost all the parties used Mandela to try and get to the voters, take a look at this:

                                              Picture credit:BusinessTech

Our own President, Jacob Zuma said that Mandela said we should not vote DA
Mmusi Maimane said they (DA) represent Mandela's interests
Julius Malema said Mandela gave us a weapon and if we used it there would not be a shed of blood. Malema even said people say they vote for ANC because of their love for Madiba, but voting for ANC is voting for Zuma and those are two different men.
Nelson Mandela himself said if he dies he would open an ANC branch in heaven

So this is what the society thinks:
Phila Jentile said people think that Mandela was the God of Africa and they can get anything they want using his name.
Lilian Msibi political parties who use Madiba are weak and are not creative, she says they should just let him RIP.