Tuesday 2 August 2016


So tomorrow is the day where we all gonna make our voices heard.

We have of course watched the manifestos, we heard the leaders pointing fingers at each other and making all sorts of promises. People seek change, well that is what they say. Just go and put an X next to the party that you believe will bring about the change you want.

I am so concerned about the youth's participation in the elections though. Most of the young people are abstaining from voting, some say voting is just a waste of time because they vote but they still do not see any developments. A majority of the youth says  this political parties just want to enrich themselves nje they will never get any service delivery from any political party.

Look at it this way: how about you give other political parties a chance if the one you trusted with your vote is not delivering?
How about you vote until you get satisfied by the type of government you want? but hey i am not trying to convince anyone, if you wanna abstain, do just that.
We are expecting to see very tight security in places like Vuwani, Umlazi, Mamelodi and Kwamashu, this is to make sure that everyone gets to exercise their right to vote. 26 million people are expected to vote tomorrow. President Jacob Zuma has deployed more than 2000 SANDF members to join the police in making sure that we vote in peace.

Make sure that you have a voice in choosing the people that will govern you. Remember your vote is your voice.


  1. my vote is my right; i am gonna vote tomorrow;i cant wait to experience that feeling of casting a vote;its my first time.60.3 million;i though the population of south Africa is 52 million nad only 26 million registered according to ICE stats

  2. yes Mongi thank you so much......
