Tuesday 28 February 2017

Random act of kindness by Bonang Matheba

It seems like this thing of fees not falling at universities is a real ish and is making other people's life difficult. A lady by the name of Amber Run tweeted on the 23rd of February 2017 stating that she had just lost a job offer in China simply because she did not have original copies of her degree for visa, she said that the reason why she did not have the original copies was because she still owes fees.

 @nanazileh did not know that God will send someone to help her out of the situation, but who else would God send other than Bonang Matheba? She who rains supreme, my Queen B*...
@Bonang_m came to the rescue and offered the lady some help.

I should say that I was very impressed when I saw this. Bonang is such a blessing guys.

Amber Run the lady who lost a job because she still owes her fees. Photo: Twitter

We all know that Queen B* just gave away 10 bursaries so 10 lucky ladies this year through her Bonang Matheba bursary fund. May God continue to bless Queen B* and meet all her needs, we really need more people like her, more successful people who will give without expecting anything in return...shine Bonag shine!

Names of the recipients of the 2017 Bonang Matheba Bursary Fund

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