Monday 25 July 2016


Only less than 10 days left before the elections.The political parties are busy working hard campaining for votes all over South Africa.Everything is now in the hands of the society.

To campain for votes in the city of Tshwane , Gauteng Premier  David Makhura visited Zithobeni,Bronkhorstspruit.This is a small location just ousite Pretoria.Makhura promised a lot to the residents including RDP houses and job opportunities."No one is permanent within the ANC,everyone is given a fair chance.Even President Jacob Zuma knows that his term ends in 2019" said Mkhura.He further promised the residents that ANC will make sure that all the young people who are addicted to the drugs called 'nyaope' will be rehabilitated.

ANC Chairperson in ward 102,Michael Mashego said that the time for promises has come amd passed,as the ANC they plan on acting and fullfilling the promises."Right now we want to deal with the problems faced by the community,that includes social grants and service delivery" said Mashego.To encourage those who have already lost hope in ANC,Mashego  said that they should just persevere and keep on trusting ANC.

ANCYL Secretary,Gaugelo Phiri said that the youth should go and cast a vote."The ANC government is still in the process of negotiations for free education,we all know that progress is a slow movement.You might be suprised next year after the ANC national conference to learn that there is free education' said Phiri.

Young and old supporters of ANC came out in numbers to listen to the Gauteng Premier.They are also confident that ANC will win the elections come August the 3rd.

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