Monday 25 July 2016


So in high school I always said I will never set my foot at the university.Do you remember how the high school teachers used to tell us that the university textbooks are too thick and the lecturers come to class and just tell to read three chapters on your own?so i was like "oh no,I am never going to throw myself in the lion's den".Media has always been my passion but hey I just took a decision that I am not going to study further.By the way I matriculated in 2014 and the previous year I said "you know what I am going to work at the community radio station and that's that,there is no university for me".

Life will just take you out your comfort zone.How on earth did I expert to be successful without any qualification?that is when I started applying at Tshwane University of Technology,not that i am blowing my own horn but yes I knew that my application was going to be successful and here I am today studying journalism.

Well let me give you a taste of how it's like here.Life as a student at TUT has been nothing but great thus far.This is not torture at all for me because I am studying what I love,though I need a break sometimes,the workload man is just too much! I managed to make new friends,yes we all need that someone we can always chill with and just laugh about everything.I have learnt a lot of things I did not really know about journalism. University life is just so much nice and it needs a disciplined young person.I have learnt to be responsible and to think for myself,mom is not here to tell me to wash dishes or clean and all that.wash dishes or clean and all that.

The events,oh my,oh my!attending events and having journalists to give us talks to keep the mind off things is such a great thing.I have met people,let me say journalism moguls like Gia Nicolaides and Aldrin Sampear. These famous good souls gave us such great motivation regarding our course,the perks of being in university hey. Then seriousness aside,you know they say "all work no play made John a dull boy",the comedy  nights, the movie nights, the celebrities and and all that,makes my stay at TUT wonderful.

In a nutshell,I love and enjoy TUT and there hasn't been any problem or regrets thus far,i really hope it stays like this forever hello! who doesn't want such a life?


  1. In everything you do,you do it with passion. You told me about journalism from the first year we met, you good when it comes to communication with others, you always have a good answer in any question that comes.I believe in you. No matter how many times you fail but in you success is guaranteed, you don't care what they say because nothing brings you down,u don't allow gravity to pull u in everything, you the best. Do What Love,Love What You Do.know that you always have my 1OO% support. You are a Conqueror Mthimunye. Never Settle For Less I Pray to God that can he please hear my prayers and let u be successful you've been thriving for journalism from the first day you went to KCRS even when you were doing grade 12 Ngiz'shaya isfuba ngawe mtakamma you didn't let anything come in your way even the bad situation you were facing u always penetrate and pass to the other side and continue with your journey, I'm wishing only the best in your Journey of journalism make us proud always.


    1. Portia; where can i start to utter about this girl though;mina since i met her;its been a smile,i mean a sincere smile from that short hair girl;kindHearted and sweet;SHE WILL MAKE IT

  2. wow Brian,i am wearing a mascara you know.Uyangililisa,thank you so much friend.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Walk the journey with positive attitude this is what you are born for.

  5. Walk the journey with positive attitude this is what you are born for.
