Wednesday 29 March 2017

A man with a golden heart

School girls happy about receiving sanitary pads from the One girl one pack campaign

By now you should know that I love inspiring people...The saying goes: "People who give will never be broke" and you know that God blesses you to be a blessing to others.

Charity begins at home and that is what 33 year old Musa Mathebula from Malamulele, Limpopo is doing. He makes sure that girls never miss a day of school because they do not have sanitary pads. Mathebula started the "One girl one pack" campaign which aims at helping girls stay at school. He saw a gab and decided to stand up and help, "After many reports that many girls skip school because of sanitary pads challenges, I made a research and found that there is a huge need for a helping hand," said Mathebula
"That is when I started the campaign and from that day I never looked back."

Young girls Mathebula and his team have helped
He goes to different schools across all  provinces and gives to underprivileged learners, we really need more of people like him. By so doing he is really empowering our future women.

Giving is very much important to Mathebula as he does not only give sanitary pads, but went an extra mile and is also giving toiletries and school shoes to six schools. Explaining why giving is so important to him, he said: " I have come to realize that these roofs are hiding a lot of challenges and problems." He continued to say that people have now lost hope and have no one to run to, so he wanted to remind them that someone still cares.

School shoes being handed out to pupils

Mathebula who is a full time worker in finance said that he it makes him smile to see people happy. In his campaign he works with a board of trustees and volunteers who go with him whenever he does handouts. He has a team of leaders from different provinces, with Limpopo led by Monett Masela, and  Selaelo Pogotona leading the Mpumalanga province. Mathebula has made partnerships with different companies including which has involved itself in every project he runs.

One of the pupils Mathebula and his team managed to help

You know it is so great to see that we have men like Mathebula who do care about the challenges a girl child faces, to him I say big ups.
If you want to be a part of this campaign you can contact Musa Mathebula on 081 487 2313, visit the website:

You can donate to the project account:

First National Bank
Musa Mathebula Projects
Acc: 62650124391
B/c: 250655
Cheque Account

Sipho Mbele makes AmaNdebele proud

Actor and writer, Sipho Mbele. Photo: Facebook

It gives me the goodness of pleasure to be writing today about about a man that has made amaNdele so proud. A father, friend, writer of  Take It From Me: A man's perspective and a graduate from the Tshwane University of Technology. The founder of Mbelesiholdings. I am talking about Sipho Mbele.

For a very long time Ndebele speaking people have been sidelined, we cannot ignore that fact but myself and other Ndebele speaking people are so glad that  Mbele got himself a role on etv's Scandal. This 44 year old from Boekenhouthoek made his debut appearance last night where he plays a character of a construction man and a former miner, Donald Mahlangu.

Missed the episode? here is the YouTube link

Donald Mahlangu as a former miner has made it in life and wants to recruit his friends to come work with him. " He respects time that is why he likes saying time is bucks," said Mbele when I asked him about his character. He said that hard work and determination have put him where he is today, " I have been working hard on my own and with the support of my family, and yes I am happy that this role came and a right time." He said that this is a step to a right direction for him as a Ndebele.
Mbele has indeed been working hard to get into the industry as he has had small roles in Jacobs Cross,, Soul City, Unexpected 2 and Muvhango.

He said that he is really humbled and overwhelmed about the love and support he gets from Ndebele speaking people, expressing his graditude Mbele said: " I never imagined that this will happen and thank you Ndzundza no Manala ngiyathokoza."

Mbele confirmed that we will be seeing more of  Donald Mahlangu on Scandal, " I shot many episodes and I hope that my role will be taken to another level as it has that potential let alone being Ndebele."
 He has a lot that he is doing this year, he has shot his own talk show, IsiNdebele mini series in the pipeline, second book on the way and he is planning on going back to his show which he did for almost 20 years at the Kangala Community Radio Station.

To motivate everyone me and you, Mbele said: " Never give up and it does not matter where you come from"
" If you have it in you, one day it will be seen and appreciated. Patience is a virtue."

Friday 24 March 2017

Sesethu regrets trusting the wrong person

Sesethu Zikhona is a 14-year old whose explicit video broke the internet on Wednesday night. She found herself trending across South Africa. Apparently she recorded the video and sent it to her boyfriend and it was shared on social media by the boyfriend's friend.

She took to facebook to reply to the video saga ( Not sure if it it hers)

Screengrab taken from Zikhona's FB page

My heart bleeds, it is actually shattering to see people roasting the girl and getting excited by sharing the video. Ladies some of ya'll have sent nudes to more than one guy, and as for you unemployed old people who have  the audacity and energy to share the video, why don't you go and look for jobs with that energy? Imagine fully grown people asking for the young girl's video.

As a woman I feel sorry for the young girl, the assaults and condemnation that follow her are not really impressive. If you have any humanity left in you you will pray for the girl because one day it might be your child.


Whatever contribution you have made to escalate the video makes you disgusting.

National police spokesperson Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo has confirmed that they are investigating a case of child pornography after Sesethu's video was leaked and distributed on social media.

As much as it was stupid of her to record the video it is not our place to share it and insult her.

Simple Ndebele paintings modernized

Duduzile Mahlangu a 29 year old who was born and bred in Mthambothini, Mpumalanga, is giving a modernized look to our simple Ndebele paintings. This tribal painter is the owner of Ddzl designs, where she gives her clients the best traditional artwork on their sneakers, caps, bags, t-shirts and she even paints houses. She said that she was very young when she realized her love for designing, " I realized my love for designing when I was eight years old, I was very luck to have Francina Ndimande and her daughter, Angelina Ndimande who opened their home for me to learn Ndebele style paintings," said Mahlangu.

She was trained to create bead-work, hand-printed fabrics, pottery and crafts made from recycling glass, tins, plastic and other materials found locally. Mahlangu said: " She ( Francina Ndimande) then built a school for us called Ndebele Foundation, a non profit community-based organisation that trained women to create and sell craft work and manage their finances."

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Ndebele Tomy sneakers designed by Duduzile Mahlangu

Her love for artwork got a a great opportunity when she completed her matric, she got an opportunity to be a exchange  student in America for a year, six months in California and 6 months in  Philadephia  where she got an opportunity to teach kids Ndebele Paintings at schools and at African American Museum in Philadelphia. She the came back in South Africa and Studied textile design and Technology at The Tshwane University of Technology.

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A t-shirt, cap and a watch designed by Duduzile Mahlangu owner of Ddzl designs

   Displaying IMG-20161128-WA0003.jpg      She said that what makes her different from other tribal painters is that she understands what her clients want and makes sure that she delivers. As she started her business last year, she sure does face challenges like any other entrepreneur, " I struggle to get my orders done so I send other orders to my sisters in Mpumalanga to help me," she said.

A happy client, Mmathapelo Machika said that she bought two t-shirts from Ddzl designs and they were how she wanted them to be. Machika said that she loves the service Ddzl designs gives to their clients," I am a loyal customer, Ddzl knows how to maintain a standard when it comes to customer service, I am not complaining at ll" said Machika. She mentioned that she has already told other people about Ddzl designs and she loves the fact that their products are classy, attractive, traditional and unique.

Displaying IMG_20170321_202202_024.jpg Mahlangu's friend of four years described her as a loving, dependable, trustworthy and easy going person. She said that as a friend she chose to support Mahlangu on her business, " When she started her business I chose to embrace it and support her all the way" she said  
" Her dream is to become the next Esther Mahlangu as she sees her as her inspiration" 
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She plans on employing people because the business is really busy now. She said that if she was not a designer she would be an actor

For more on her work visit her FB page: Ddzl designs

Your views on a no strings attached realationship

Still on the no strings attached topic, I went on FB and asked my FB friends these questions:

1.Have you ever been in a no strings attached relationship? How was it? How did it end?
2. Would you be involved in a no strings attached relationship?

......and this is what they said:

Thursday 23 March 2017

What is a No Strings Attached Relationship Anyway?

So...many people now prefer a "No strings attached" relationship because they do not get to be committed in any way, while others say they prevent heartbreak. When you are having a no strings attached, your relationship is merely an agreement between you and your partner to have sex, it is and always will be about sex. It is about the fun, minus all the complications. You do not need the emotional strings to hold you back, the only connection you have is sexual.

What are the Dos and Don'ts of a no strings attached relationship?

  • Establish some ground rules- You are not romantically involved, so to avoid complications, it is best to have ground rules.
  • Have fun and be spontaneous- Share jokes, use the casual sex to cool off but do not let it go beyond "friends"
  • Do not use the word "LOVE"- Please avoid the word "love" because it is a very tricky one. If one of you is getting attached, do not hesitate to leave.
  • Do be selfish about your ow needs- You have the right to think about whether you are getting sexually satisfied or not. Do not go out of your way to impress your partner.
  • Do not not emotionally attached- Do not hold your partner back with your emotional baggage, whether it is love or jealousy. You are using them for you body nothing more and nothing less, so do not worry whether they have eaten or not.

What to ask yourself?

  • If I do not hear from them again will I be OK with it?  If your answer is 'no' then do not do it because clearly you are expecting more than just casual sex.
  • Am I able to practice safe sex with them? Unprotected sex is still a norm for other people, if your partner does not wanna engage in safe sex, do not do it.

Want to do it like a pro?


  • Do not pick your actual friend
  • Do not go on dates
  • See other people
  • Do not ask about their other partners

Well...let us be honest here, there is no way that you will sexually involved with someone and not catch feeling, like hello!

There you have it...till the next blog, vuka ubangene.

Was the Spur altercation really about racism?

A screengrab of the video taken at Spur at Oakdene in Johannesburg

Definition of racism from google: "Prejudice, discrimination or antagonism directed against someone on the belief that one's own race is superior"

I just want to focus on the video that was taken at the Spur restaurant at Oakdene in Johannesburg the footage went viral on the 21st of March, Human Rights Day. The video shows a white man confronting a black woman and that turned into an altercation. Twitter users reacted with shock, with some defending the man and some defending the woman of course.

The man  told the woman that her daughter had hit his son on the head, he appears to stop himself from smacking her, saying: " Ek sal jou'n poes klap gee", he even tried to overturn the table. The F* words were flying in front of the kids.

I know that it was wrong of the man to raise his hand on the woman. Even thought this was an act of anger and an argument between two parents from different races, there was still nothing racist about it. Let us not be reverse racism, I could not see anything racist on the video but I saw racism from the comments made in social media. Can I just say that not every argument with a white person is racially motivated.



What I found wrong on the video is two adults fighting, arguing and cursing in front of their children. Why does everyone blame the white guy though? I did not hear him saying anything about black people, he was just angry and trying to protect his kid. As for the woman, there was really no need for her to say " This is a democratic country if you haven't noticed"

The comments on social media just show how small minded some people are about an argument. We just came out of anti-racism week, so let us move on and stop looking back.

Spur restaurants nationwide banned the man from their eateries. Was the woman's mouth clean? Was she banned? I still say that the argument was more about parenting than racism

The man surely has anger management issues and I salute the woman for standing up for herself

There you have are more than welcome to leave your comment after reading. Do not eat me tho.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Legendary Joe Mafela dies in a car accident

Tributes are still pouring in for the late 75-year old Joe "Sdumo" Mafela, who passed away Saturday night after being involved in a fatal car crash around 10pm on the M1 North in Johannesburg.

Mafela was a South African Actor, writer, producer, singer and business man. He was multilingual, he was fluent in almost all of South Africa's 11 official languages. He apparently died from a medical condition as he did not sustain apparent injuries during the car crash.

This veteran was the first black actor to win a Lorrie award. He appeared in a feature movie " Real News", followed by " Shout at the Devil". In 1994 he appeared in a first black feature film "Udeliwe". In the 1980s he starred in a Zulu language sitcom " Sgudi'Snaysi" where he played "Sdumo".

Joe Mafela at Afternoon Express Studios

In 1996 he release his first music album named " Shebeleza". In 2005 he received a lifetime management theatre achievement award, he then received Duku Duku award, he also won the beat actor in comedy awards at the SAFTAs.

Mafela had been in the entertainment industry for more than 40 years. He was acting in Generations the legacy as " Tebogo Moroka".

Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa salutes Mafela. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

SAFTAs Red Carpet

Blue Mbombo. Photo: SAFTA FB page

Thembisa Mdoda. Photo: The Citizens

Amanda Black, aikhona this one needs fashion police and a stylist nje. Photo: The Citizen

Mmasechaba Ndlovu, power to her. She is solo fleeking. Photo: The Citizen

KB. She just does not age, she keeps on getting younger. Photo: The Citizens

Your host, Thando Thabethe. The dress though...Photo: The Citizens

Luthuli Dlamini, he ages so well handsome.Phot . The Citizens

Somizi looking so unique and stylish and always. Photo: The Citizens

Her majesty, the Queen B* never dissapoints. Cava umrivithi awenzayo hmmm. Photo: The Citizens