Thursday 23 March 2017

What is a No Strings Attached Relationship Anyway?

So...many people now prefer a "No strings attached" relationship because they do not get to be committed in any way, while others say they prevent heartbreak. When you are having a no strings attached, your relationship is merely an agreement between you and your partner to have sex, it is and always will be about sex. It is about the fun, minus all the complications. You do not need the emotional strings to hold you back, the only connection you have is sexual.

What are the Dos and Don'ts of a no strings attached relationship?

  • Establish some ground rules- You are not romantically involved, so to avoid complications, it is best to have ground rules.
  • Have fun and be spontaneous- Share jokes, use the casual sex to cool off but do not let it go beyond "friends"
  • Do not use the word "LOVE"- Please avoid the word "love" because it is a very tricky one. If one of you is getting attached, do not hesitate to leave.
  • Do be selfish about your ow needs- You have the right to think about whether you are getting sexually satisfied or not. Do not go out of your way to impress your partner.
  • Do not not emotionally attached- Do not hold your partner back with your emotional baggage, whether it is love or jealousy. You are using them for you body nothing more and nothing less, so do not worry whether they have eaten or not.

What to ask yourself?

  • If I do not hear from them again will I be OK with it?  If your answer is 'no' then do not do it because clearly you are expecting more than just casual sex.
  • Am I able to practice safe sex with them? Unprotected sex is still a norm for other people, if your partner does not wanna engage in safe sex, do not do it.

Want to do it like a pro?


  • Do not pick your actual friend
  • Do not go on dates
  • See other people
  • Do not ask about their other partners

Well...let us be honest here, there is no way that you will sexually involved with someone and not catch feeling, like hello!

There you have it...till the next blog, vuka ubangene.


  1. lol this article is so relevant in my life right now.... anyway im still gonna do a no strings attached thing very soon.

  2. haha ngiyakukhuza

  3. Good advice for do and donts in no strings attached relationship. ONLY sex need for nsa or one night stand people, no love for that people. Hook up dating apps will be good choice.
