Thursday 23 March 2017

Was the Spur altercation really about racism?

A screengrab of the video taken at Spur at Oakdene in Johannesburg

Definition of racism from google: "Prejudice, discrimination or antagonism directed against someone on the belief that one's own race is superior"

I just want to focus on the video that was taken at the Spur restaurant at Oakdene in Johannesburg the footage went viral on the 21st of March, Human Rights Day. The video shows a white man confronting a black woman and that turned into an altercation. Twitter users reacted with shock, with some defending the man and some defending the woman of course.

The man  told the woman that her daughter had hit his son on the head, he appears to stop himself from smacking her, saying: " Ek sal jou'n poes klap gee", he even tried to overturn the table. The F* words were flying in front of the kids.

I know that it was wrong of the man to raise his hand on the woman. Even thought this was an act of anger and an argument between two parents from different races, there was still nothing racist about it. Let us not be reverse racism, I could not see anything racist on the video but I saw racism from the comments made in social media. Can I just say that not every argument with a white person is racially motivated.



What I found wrong on the video is two adults fighting, arguing and cursing in front of their children. Why does everyone blame the white guy though? I did not hear him saying anything about black people, he was just angry and trying to protect his kid. As for the woman, there was really no need for her to say " This is a democratic country if you haven't noticed"

The comments on social media just show how small minded some people are about an argument. We just came out of anti-racism week, so let us move on and stop looking back.

Spur restaurants nationwide banned the man from their eateries. Was the woman's mouth clean? Was she banned? I still say that the argument was more about parenting than racism

The man surely has anger management issues and I salute the woman for standing up for herself

There you have are more than welcome to leave your comment after reading. Do not eat me tho.


  1. I agree with you. Nothing in this entire play off is remotely racist, however the lady made it so with shouting out... is it cause i m black.. the violence, crime, farm attacks and killings in SA is all over the media yet still no one is allowed to comment towards the perpotrators.. comments left of violent nature and completely misleading has led to this entire familie` s lives being threatened to the extend of having to go in hiding.. All this cause EFF has targeted them as well as influenced the racism thing to an extend where realism doesn t excist and hatred is the god of all happenings...

  2. But we should somehow find a way to live together peacefully and move away from the past.
