Wednesday 29 March 2017

A man with a golden heart

School girls happy about receiving sanitary pads from the One girl one pack campaign

By now you should know that I love inspiring people...The saying goes: "People who give will never be broke" and you know that God blesses you to be a blessing to others.

Charity begins at home and that is what 33 year old Musa Mathebula from Malamulele, Limpopo is doing. He makes sure that girls never miss a day of school because they do not have sanitary pads. Mathebula started the "One girl one pack" campaign which aims at helping girls stay at school. He saw a gab and decided to stand up and help, "After many reports that many girls skip school because of sanitary pads challenges, I made a research and found that there is a huge need for a helping hand," said Mathebula
"That is when I started the campaign and from that day I never looked back."

Young girls Mathebula and his team have helped
He goes to different schools across all  provinces and gives to underprivileged learners, we really need more of people like him. By so doing he is really empowering our future women.

Giving is very much important to Mathebula as he does not only give sanitary pads, but went an extra mile and is also giving toiletries and school shoes to six schools. Explaining why giving is so important to him, he said: " I have come to realize that these roofs are hiding a lot of challenges and problems." He continued to say that people have now lost hope and have no one to run to, so he wanted to remind them that someone still cares.

School shoes being handed out to pupils

Mathebula who is a full time worker in finance said that he it makes him smile to see people happy. In his campaign he works with a board of trustees and volunteers who go with him whenever he does handouts. He has a team of leaders from different provinces, with Limpopo led by Monett Masela, and  Selaelo Pogotona leading the Mpumalanga province. Mathebula has made partnerships with different companies including which has involved itself in every project he runs.

One of the pupils Mathebula and his team managed to help

You know it is so great to see that we have men like Mathebula who do care about the challenges a girl child faces, to him I say big ups.
If you want to be a part of this campaign you can contact Musa Mathebula on 081 487 2313, visit the website:

You can donate to the project account:

First National Bank
Musa Mathebula Projects
Acc: 62650124391
B/c: 250655
Cheque Account

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